Day 7: All the news from yesterday!

Yesterday was packed full from the 5:45 morning alarm to falling into bed around 10:30pm. It was our last day of clinic, which presented new challenges - It had the potential to be very busy with people wanting to get in while they still had the chance, we were running low on a variety of glasses, and we knew we would need to pack for the trip home at the end of the day. We started the morning as we usually do, with 6:30am breakfast at Claudia’s, a delightful little cafe-type space that she opens every morning just to cook us breakfast. There we have morning devotions, breakfast, and prayer. Then we were picked up by Gregario, our driver for the week. He’s amazing, getting our bus into and out of traffic, fitting into the smallest, most unlikely places, and keeping us safe. We left for the church at 7:30am, even though clinic doesn’t start until 9am, because we wanted time to get organized for a long day and hopefully some ...